Friday, March 18, 2011

reading journal #2

 The article "Forget the Treadmill. Get a Dog." by TARA PARKER-POPE  shows people have dog are more physically active than others who don't have dog  or don't walk with their dogs . Many researchs also prove that , people  walk more with a dog , they do more walking exercise when they're  accompanying with a dog than people . A research especially point out ,  dog walking are highest among the young and educated people .

I like many sentences of  last the paragraph,such as “They help themselves by helping the dog,”,“If we’re committed to a dog, it enables us to commit to physical activity ourselves.”.Walking a dog it not like a job ,it should be a relaxed thing to go out with pets. As the sentences say, dogs help you too.

About the dislike part , i didn't actually find it . As a simple research article ,it offers the information and data from the researchs . All the information the author gave us is supporting the main idea . If i don't believe a part of it , the whole article would be a gibberish for me . If that happened ,it would be esay to find the dislike part .

leisure   :   free time 
 He helps people at  his leisure .
leash    :  a piece of leather rope for a dog .
 Put a leash on your dog .
moderate      : not very hot or very cold ,not very fast or very slow .
walking is  a moderate exercise .
vigorous   :  using a lot of  energy
 This old man is vigorous at the age of 70.
comparison   :  comparing two or more things
 In comparison with last game , this one is sort of boring .

 In comparison with the other two articles ,this article is more interesting and attractive . It brings some new ideas which come from many researchs . Author gather them and show us  dog has a big impact on people's daily exercise . We are used to having  dogs ,but we don't exactly know what kinds of benefits they give to us.Owner will get more rewards if they treat dogs well .What is more , helping owner with exercise is beyond the duty of being a dog .

Thursday, March 10, 2011

wa ...

testing....  i'm wei chen   .I'm form CHINA. you can call me wayne .....