Thursday, April 28, 2011


Nowadays, information run faster than before, so children know more than before. In the mean time, children have been anticipated more. Parent-children role reversal makes children deal with things they don't need to go through now, which will occur in their life some day. However, parents are longing to see their children do more than they should be at their age. It has many bad impacts on children's life with following reasons.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Yesterday when I ate at a restaurant, I saw an interesting story. A couple was talking and eating happily. Suddenly, the guy found a fly on the plate. He shouted to the waiter what that was,  what wrong is with that .The waiter went to that table. Then the guy pointed at the waiter’s chest and said he had to explain that. The lady who came with him tried to stop him, but he didn’t listen. He stood up and screamed he was not gonna pay the bill ,the waiter would lose his job.Everybody in the restaurant stared at them. The waiter felt angry and speechless. He took off the apron and said that he quit. the lady said that was embarrassed.she gotta go home.Then she left.